Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Persnonal development planing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Persnonal development planing - Essay Example This is usually associated with various potential benefits that may arise when students and other stakeholders are exposed to Personal Development Planning. The aspect of developing Personal Development Planning will create the following benefits: The essence of Personal Development Planning among students is ascribed to various benefits, to begin with: It enables students to integrate academic as well as personal development into their specific academic programs thus improving their general academic performance. In addition, Personal Development among students can improve their capacity to monitor and assess their personal progress in regard to various aspects of learning (Smale & Fowlie, 2009). Research has also shown that the application of Personal Development Planning at Institutions of Higher Learning is imperative owing to the fact that it promotes a sense of increased awareness among the students. The awareness occurs in various forms i.e. increased awareness of the specific learning methods that are used within the institutions and the specific goals of these learning strategies (Cottrell, 2003). Personal Development Planning in Institutions of Higher Learning creates a platform for self-assessment among the students, hence increases their capacity to evaluate their weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, it also creates a scenario where the students are in a position to explore various opportunities within the learning curriculum, thus facilitate the aspect of Personal Development Planning within and outside the curriculum (Cottrell, 2003). Research has also indicated that Personal Development Planning among students within institutions of higher learning enables the students to prepare themselves for their future career objectives i.e. to seek employment in their fields of interest or being self-employed within their

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